Friday, July 29, 2011

Making Money Without

Investing legend Paul Merriman, shares the lessons learned and secrets discovered over more than 40 years as one of the world’s leading investment professionals.

John Nyaradi:

Hi, everyone, I’m John Nyaradi, publisher of Wall Street Sector Selector, a financial media site specializing in exchange traded funds and global financial and economic analysis. Today, I’m pleased to welcome our special guest, Paul Merriman. Paul, welcome to Wall Street Sector Selector.

Paul Merriman:

Thanks John, it’s great to be with you.

John Nyaradi:

Paul is one of the true giants of the investing and financial management business. He is founder of Merriman Incorporated, an investment advisory firm based in Seattle, Washington, that manages approximately $1.6 billion for thousands of families across the country.

Paul is a widely respected expert on mutual fund investing. He’s editor of the website and his podcast, “Sound Investing,” was named the best podcast in 2008 by Money Magazine. He’s author of a highly acclaimed book, “Live it Up Without Outliving Your Money: Getting the Most from Your Investments in Retirement,” by John Wiley and Sons and is widely quoted in major financial magazines and media.

Paul, let’s start out with your company’s motto, “Invest wisely and live fully.” I like that a lot. Can you give us a sense of what you mean by that, “Invest wisely and live fully?” How do you do that for people?

Paul Merriman:

My view of investing wisely is simply to do the smart, savvy things with our money to maximize our return without getting greedy. And I think one of the wisest things we can do is to invest within our risk limits. Investing wisely also means minimizing expenses and taxes. We believe in massive diversification. We believe that the more stocks you have in the portfolio, the better you will do, not the more average you will be.

The live fully aspect means that not only do you have enough money but that you are also able to enjoy it. Too many people have way more money than they need but find it difficult to enjoy it.

I just spoke with a client who’s down in Mexico. He’s been a client for over 20 years, and I know he’s got more money than he needs. He wants to buy a second house in Mexico. He must have talked to me five times about whether the purchase makes sense. And every time I spoke with him, his burning question was, “Now Paul, are you sure we have enough?” We convinced him, yes, he does have enough…and he’s making the offer, closing the deal, and that is what we think living fully is. Not just having enough, but feeling secure so you can spend it and enjoy it.

John Nyaradi:

That’s got to be a rewarding work especially in today’s environment after the post crash environment we’re in and the pain everybody went through.

Paul Merriman:

John, would you mind if I comment on what you just said?

John Nyaradi:

Please, go ahead.

Paul Merriman:

A lot of people complain about the emotional and financial pain of the 2007-2009 bear market. I think the problem was compounded by going through two big bear markets in 10 years, each of them about the same as the 73-74 decline. That much pain without an extended bull market in between is hard for people to digest and build confidence in the market. It has been one hell of a 10 year period.

John Nyaradi:

Yes, it really has been…you’re a unique animal, Paul, I think, because people tend to be either buy-and-hold people or market timing people, but you do both in your portfolios. I’ve read about what you call “the ultimate buy and hold strategy,” could you give us a little insight into that?

Paul Merriman:

Well, “the ultimate buy and hold strategy” is the title of one of my favorite articles to help people build a better buy and hold portfolio. The term “ultimate,” sounds like a big promise, but it simply means it’s the best I’ve been able to find.

As you know there are thousands of ways to build a portfolio using different asset classes. What we’re looking for are asset classes that have an absolute record of success, and a record of high units of return per unit of risk.

Now, obviously, I can’t know, nor do I try to predict, the future. But what I do have is 80 plus years of evidence that these asset classes have produced great returns. Sure, they don’t go up all the time, but not a one of them has ever failed. Not one has declared bankruptcy. Not one has ever experienced a permanent bear market.

John Nyaradi:


Paul Merriman:

All of these asset classes qualify as being survivors on a long term basis. So once we determine which asset classes qualify to be in the portfolio we have to decide how much we should invest in each one. I have tried to make that easy by giving people exact percentages in each asset class and funds that offer those asset classes.

John Nyaradi:

I think you said at one point that the choice of those assets is responsible for 95% of your return. How do you fine tune these allocations?

Paul Merriman:

For over 15 years we have recommended a very simple equity allocation. Half U.S., half international, half large, half small, half value and half growth. The equity part also includes REITS and emerging market asset classes.

Then it’s simply a matter of finding the right balance of fixed income to go along with exposure to the equity asset classes. I find most investors are unwilling to accept the risk of an all equity portfolio so we need to find the right balance of fixed income that produces the needed return within the risk limits of each investor. I am always looking for the combination that will produce peace of mind with a reasonable piece of the action.

John Nyaradi:


Paul Merriman:

I’ve tried to help investors by building a tabIe of many combinations of fixed income and equity asset classes. The table is in, “Fine Tuning Your Asset Allocation,” at And John, all my work comes with a guarantee. I guarantee if you follow my advice, you will lose money. That’s not the guarantee investors want to hear, but it’s the reality of any risk oriented investment.

John Nyaradi:


Paul Merriman:

We should all know what level of risk we’re taking. And I don’t mean some generic risk that is indefinable. I’m looking for a number. The table covers over 40 years of data. It gives an investor a real time relationship between risk and return. If you’re willing to lose 5% to 50% of your money the table shows the likely return you will get over the long run.

John Nyaradi:

Could you talk a little about the market timing in your portfolios?

Paul Merriman:

To start with, I want to make sure that your audience understands that I’m not advocating timing over buy and hold. I know buy-and-hold is a lot easier emotionally. And it’s also a lot more tax efficient.

But there are a lot of people who will simply not accept the idea of holding equities without an exit strategy. Some advisors will tell investors, “You’ve got 50% of your money in bonds so why should you worry about stocks going down? They always come back.” And the investor’s response is, “Hey listen. This is my money, buddy, and I don’t want to sit and watch it decline without some way of protecting it.”

It’s really the catastrophic decline that most people are worried about, and so we use timing with almost the same view philosophically as we use for buy-and-hold. We market time funds in dozens of asset classes. We market time equity funds as well as bond funds. Each account is built to the same risk tolerance test as the buy and hold investors.

Most of the timing we do uses traditional trend following strategies. We never predict where the market is going, only follow the trends. A lot of timing critics think market timers are trying to predict the future. We believe there are trends and they stay in place one way or the other for long periods of time. Those trends can make you decent money on the upside but the most important work is protecting against some terrible losses on the downside.

John Nyaradi:

I hear the word “risk” over and over in our conversation. In your list of 18 mistakes people make, I thought it was really interesting that mistake number 3 is taking too much risk, and mistake number 4 is taking too little risk. That sounds like a conflict.

Paul Merriman:

Well, too much risk is normally a challenge for people who are over confident and think they have more control over their investments than they do. Also, people who take too much risk are not aware how much risk they need to take. If you found out that you could achieve all your financial goals with half as much risk as you’re taking right now, I’d have to challenge you to why are you taking all of that risk?

John Nyaradi:


Paul Merriman:

For some the higher risk comes because the investor thinks their friend appears to doing better than they are. By the way, I’ve yet to find an honest amateur investor when it comes to reporting returns. And so we have to be so careful what our benchmark is and how we measure our success.

But then people can also be scared to death of almost any risk. I’ve met people with 10% of their portfolio in stocks, and when they’re down during a bad bear market, they jump to the conclusion that it’s happening to their whole portfolio.

I know it doesn’t sound reasonable to feel that way, but that’s the way a lot of peoples’ minds work. They hate losing money. The fascinating part is if we can just get those people to commit 20 or 30% of their money to stocks, they can literally double their return in retirement. Just a little bit of additional risk. They don’t have to go 50% or 60%. Just to get up to 20%, or 30% can make a huge, huge difference.

John Nyaradi:

Paul, we’re taking in July, 2011, and looking ahead over the next few months, what do you see is the biggest dangers for us as retail investors and the biggest opportunities?

Paul Merriman:

Well, it looks to me like the last 45 years. I have been a chicken for as long as I’ve been in the investment business. I call myself an aggressive chicken, but a chicken nonetheless.

But the fact is there’s always list A, the good news and there’s always list B, the bad news. Both of those lists exist at all times. I have always tended to look at the bad list and to be cautious, so I’ve probably been more defensive as an investor than I needed to be. But what I really worry about is not about me because I have found 100% peace of mind with my investments. I’ve saved enough that I can quit working anytime and have plenty of income in retirement. So that worry is behind me.

John Nyaradi:


Paul Merriman:

But here’s what I worry about. I worry that people who have learned the right things, the smart things, the wise things about investing will somehow get spooked by the market and either jump to some ultra safe situation, and as you know, typically at the wrong time, they’ll be enticed into putting their money into something like a guaranteed equity index annuity or some other terrible security that will cost a fortune in fees and be difficult or expensive to liquidate.

John Nyaradi:

Well, folks, it has been a real honor today to have been talking with one of the real giants of the industry, Paul Merriman, founder of Merriman Incorporated in Seattle, Washington and editor of To learn more about Paul and his work, just follow the link at the end of this interview, and that will take you to his website,

Paul, thanks so much for joining us and we’re all looking forward to talking with you again soon.

Paul Merriman:

Thank you, John, very, very much.

Visit Merriman Incorporated.


(This interview edited for length and clarity)

There is no fiscal crisis. Everyone should be clear on that.

The United States is not bankrupt. Social Security is not about to founder. Wall Street is not on a precipice, the IMF is not standing by demanding massive shifts in our government, and U.S. bonds are not trading 1:1 with Charmin. There is nothing wrong.

Nothing except that the Republican Party is prepared to slice the nation's throat to get its way.

Real crises do exist. There are moments in a nation's history where the government must take abrupt action, either military or fiscal, to prevent disaster. In the collapse of 2008, some might disagree with the exact nature of the action the Bush administration took in bailing out banks that had recklessly overextended themselves, but there's little doubt that there was a real problem and without action there was a chance that it could grow from disaster to catastrophe.

That's not the case this time. Not only does solving the issue at hand not require the launching of a single ship, it doesn't require the expenditure of a single dime. Raising the debt limit does not commit the United States to any debt it has not already incurred. Refusing to raise that limit is no more an act of fiscal prudence than refusing to pay the restaurant for a meal already eaten.

Not only is the money already spent, the Republicans are the ones who spent it. It's not Social Security that drove up the debt over the last decade. Social Security is responsible for 0% of the deficit. Make that 0.00%, to be exact. The deficit that the Republicans are railing against is driven by the cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and by the cost of the recently extended Bush tax cuts. You know what'll happen if we cut Social Security? We'll get less Social Security, not less deficit.

It's funny that politicians on both sides of the aisle keep demanding that "everything be on the table," when what they really mean is that "everything not responsible for the problem be on the table." Not that it matters. The truth is that Republicans aren't interested in solving the problem. They're making the problem. They invented it from thin, hot air and they're entirely invested in seeing that the problem gets worse.

Don't think the Republicans would put the nation at risk on purpose? Consider this: the only thing they won't even think about, the only option so odious they'll walk out of the room rather than talk about it, is precisely the only thing that would actually help. If we allow the Bush tax cuts to expire as scheduled—all of the cuts—the deficit will dry up and the nation will return to sound fiscal standing in short order. If we don't allow those unsustainable rates to expire ... then we will. If we go down after making cuts in Social Security and health care, then we'll we'll only succeed in making a lot of people miserable to no purpose. Only returning taxes to viable levels will help.

If Republicans were actually concerned about the fiscal health of the nation, they would sign onto raising the debt ceiling without hesitation or condition. Because there's nothing wrong, and because raising the limit would cost nothing. Instead they've created a completely artificial problem as nothing more than an excuse to extend the damage they've already caused. It's really a wonderful little game they've created: drive the nation so far into debt that there's no choice but to raise the limit, then use raising the limit as an excuse to create more debt. No wonder they call it red ink.

The only crisis we're facing is that one of our nation's political parties has decided to hold its breath until the nation turns red. And the media, the public, and the opposing party are treating this massive tantrum with far more respect than it deserves.

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U.S. Soccer President Sunil Gulati named Jürgen Klinsmann as head coach of the U.S. Men&#39;s National Team today, making him the 35th coach in the history of the program.

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U.S. Soccer President Sunil Gulati named Jürgen Klinsmann as head coach of the U.S. Men&#39;s National Team today, making him the 35th coach in the history of the program.

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U.S. Soccer President Sunil Gulati named Jürgen Klinsmann as head coach of the U.S. Men&#39;s National Team today, making him the 35th coach in the history of the program.

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U.S. Soccer President Sunil Gulati named Jürgen Klinsmann as head coach of the U.S. Men&#39;s National Team today, making him the 35th coach in the history of the program.

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U.S. Soccer President Sunil Gulati named Jürgen Klinsmann as head coach of the U.S. Men&#39;s National Team today, making him the 35th coach in the history of the program.

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U.S. Soccer President Sunil Gulati named Jürgen Klinsmann as head coach of the U.S. Men&#39;s National Team today, making him the 35th coach in the history of the program.

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House panel approves broadened ISP snooping bill <b>...</b> - CNET <b>News</b>.com

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U.S. Soccer President Sunil Gulati named Jürgen Klinsmann as head coach of the U.S. Men&#39;s National Team today, making him the 35th coach in the history of the program.

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Netflix is using price hikes to manage the transition of users away from the physical product and towards digital streaming. While there are some similarities between that and the newspaper business, publishers shouldn't ...

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By a 19 to 10 vote, a House committee votes to require Internet service providers to keep track of what their users are doing for one year in case it would be useful for future police investigations.

House panel approves broadened ISP snooping bill <b>...</b> - CNET <b>News</b>.com

Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

U.S. Soccer President Sunil Gulati named Jürgen Klinsmann as head coach of the U.S. Men&#39;s National Team today, making him the 35th coach in the history of the program.

Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

Can <b>news</b> publishers learn anything from Netflix? — Tech <b>News</b> and <b>...</b>

Netflix is using price hikes to manage the transition of users away from the physical product and towards digital streaming. While there are some similarities between that and the newspaper business, publishers shouldn't ...

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House panel approves broadened ISP snooping bill <b>...</b> - CNET <b>News</b>.com

By a 19 to 10 vote, a House committee votes to require Internet service providers to keep track of what their users are doing for one year in case it would be useful for future police investigations.

House panel approves broadened ISP snooping bill <b>...</b> - CNET <b>News</b>.com

Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

U.S. Soccer President Sunil Gulati named Jürgen Klinsmann as head coach of the U.S. Men&#39;s National Team today, making him the 35th coach in the history of the program.

Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

Can <b>news</b> publishers learn anything from Netflix? — Tech <b>News</b> and <b>...</b>

Netflix is using price hikes to manage the transition of users away from the physical product and towards digital streaming. While there are some similarities between that and the newspaper business, publishers shouldn't ...

Can <b>news</b> publishers learn anything from Netflix? — Tech <b>News</b> and <b>...</b>
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House panel approves broadened ISP snooping bill <b>...</b> - CNET <b>News</b>.com

By a 19 to 10 vote, a House committee votes to require Internet service providers to keep track of what their users are doing for one year in case it would be useful for future police investigations.

House panel approves broadened ISP snooping bill <b>...</b> - CNET <b>News</b>.com

Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

U.S. Soccer President Sunil Gulati named Jürgen Klinsmann as head coach of the U.S. Men&#39;s National Team today, making him the 35th coach in the history of the program.

Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

Can <b>news</b> publishers learn anything from Netflix? — Tech <b>News</b> and <b>...</b>

Netflix is using price hikes to manage the transition of users away from the physical product and towards digital streaming. While there are some similarities between that and the newspaper business, publishers shouldn't ...

Can <b>news</b> publishers learn anything from Netflix? — Tech <b>News</b> and <b>...</b>
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House panel approves broadened ISP snooping bill <b>...</b> - CNET <b>News</b>.com

By a 19 to 10 vote, a House committee votes to require Internet service providers to keep track of what their users are doing for one year in case it would be useful for future police investigations.

House panel approves broadened ISP snooping bill <b>...</b> - CNET <b>News</b>.com

Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

U.S. Soccer President Sunil Gulati named Jürgen Klinsmann as head coach of the U.S. Men&#39;s National Team today, making him the 35th coach in the history of the program.

Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

Can <b>news</b> publishers learn anything from Netflix? — Tech <b>News</b> and <b>...</b>

Netflix is using price hikes to manage the transition of users away from the physical product and towards digital streaming. While there are some similarities between that and the newspaper business, publishers shouldn't ...

Can <b>news</b> publishers learn anything from Netflix? — Tech <b>News</b> and <b>...</b>
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House panel approves broadened ISP snooping bill <b>...</b> - CNET <b>News</b>.com

By a 19 to 10 vote, a House committee votes to require Internet service providers to keep track of what their users are doing for one year in case it would be useful for future police investigations.

House panel approves broadened ISP snooping bill <b>...</b> - CNET <b>News</b>.com

Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

U.S. Soccer President Sunil Gulati named Jürgen Klinsmann as head coach of the U.S. Men&#39;s National Team today, making him the 35th coach in the history of the program.

Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

Can <b>news</b> publishers learn anything from Netflix? — Tech <b>News</b> and <b>...</b>

Netflix is using price hikes to manage the transition of users away from the physical product and towards digital streaming. While there are some similarities between that and the newspaper business, publishers shouldn't ...

Can <b>news</b> publishers learn anything from Netflix? — Tech <b>News</b> and <b>...</b>
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House panel approves broadened ISP snooping bill <b>...</b> - CNET <b>News</b>.com

By a 19 to 10 vote, a House committee votes to require Internet service providers to keep track of what their users are doing for one year in case it would be useful for future police investigations.

House panel approves broadened ISP snooping bill <b>...</b> - CNET <b>News</b>.com

Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

U.S. Soccer President Sunil Gulati named Jürgen Klinsmann as head coach of the U.S. Men&#39;s National Team today, making him the 35th coach in the history of the program.

Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

Can <b>news</b> publishers learn anything from Netflix? — Tech <b>News</b> and <b>...</b>

Netflix is using price hikes to manage the transition of users away from the physical product and towards digital streaming. While there are some similarities between that and the newspaper business, publishers shouldn't ...

Can <b>news</b> publishers learn anything from Netflix? — Tech <b>News</b> and <b>...</b>
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House panel approves broadened ISP snooping bill <b>...</b> - CNET <b>News</b>.com

By a 19 to 10 vote, a House committee votes to require Internet service providers to keep track of what their users are doing for one year in case it would be useful for future police investigations.

House panel approves broadened ISP snooping bill <b>...</b> - CNET <b>News</b>.com

Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

U.S. Soccer President Sunil Gulati named Jürgen Klinsmann as head coach of the U.S. Men&#39;s National Team today, making him the 35th coach in the history of the program.

Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

Can <b>news</b> publishers learn anything from Netflix? — Tech <b>News</b> and <b>...</b>

Netflix is using price hikes to manage the transition of users away from the physical product and towards digital streaming. While there are some similarities between that and the newspaper business, publishers shouldn't ...

Can <b>news</b> publishers learn anything from Netflix? — Tech <b>News</b> and <b>...</b>

Friday, July 22, 2011

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A peep in to the features

A instant payday loanis a form of cash advance in that you borrow cash and return it following your subsequent payday. The mortgage phrase is generally between 14 and 21 days with the rate of interest somewhat greater than normal bank loans or credit cards. This really is understandable since these loans do not consider bad credit score background and require no collateral as part with the mortgage qualifications. Additionally to it, the process of securing a bad credit score payday mortgage is extremely quick compared to any other standard loans.

The approval process for obtaining the loan is very fast. Some payday loan loan companies are in a position to procedure your application as quick as in 24 hrs or much less. You receive the cash deposited straight into your nominated financial institution account. This may mean you can fairly much resolve your monetary emergency in the exact same day. Envision if you have overdue expenses to spend such as medical bill, car fix, utility invoice, etc. Getting a payday mortgage can assist you to ease your mind while you are also certain which you can make the repayment on your next payday.

instant payday loans email footer by instantpaydayloans1

Automatic Repayment

You are needed to repay the amount inside a single installment. The payment will probably be setup and automatically deducted out of your checking account on the because of date. You will wish to make certain the money are accessible on your payday as there would be a fee in the event the debit is rejected from your account. Even though obtaining a poor credit score payday loan is very easy, you should always evaluate various rates from a number of loan companies before making a mortgage choice. Some loan companies use various fee structure, a lot rely on their location. On top of that, make sure which you use the faxless payday loanswithin the timeframe you agreed to steer clear of prolonged charges that might incur due to late payment.

Track record Examine Resources Easy And Cost Efficient

An employment background check is now usually done not only to possible employees but to current employees for promotion as well. It is generally done to validate info discovered on an employee's resume or application form. It is also done to identify the very best suited potential employee amongst the candidates. Also with what has occurred on September 11, 2011, employers are now extremely worried using the kind of workers they hire.

A background investigation includes criminal, arrest, imprisonment, and sex offender paperwork. This is a kind of check where state data are examined to investigate if a possible employee or present employee continues to be convicted or charged with any crime in opposition to the state.

Citizenship, immigration and legal operating standing checks will also be carried out simply because American businesses are barred from hiring illegal employees from the Department of Homeland Security and its Immigrations and Customs Enforcement Division.

Background Check 059 by loosr22

Litigation data are also checked. Employees who frequently file discrimination cases might be recognized as a risk to a business thus employers resort to litigation checks. Also, these companies who do business with the government don't wish to hire whistleblowers who file qui tam fits.

Driving and car records are also component of the background check, especially whenever a potential worker is applying for a driver place. Employers look for employees who've thoroughly clean driving records or those that don't have any data of vehicular accidents or visitors tickets.

Drug test records will also be being checked. An employer wouldn't wish to employ drug addicts in his business due to company ethics, worker performance will be impacted and increase of workers' compensation rates.

Education data are also component of the criminal background check investigation. This is carried out to confirm academic attainment of the potential employee and sometimes to examine if applicant has had misdemeanor records in class.

Previous employment records might also be checked particularly if the applicant will fill a delicate position within the business. This really is generally carried out verbally.

Monetary info is also checked particularly if the position becoming crammed requires somebody to handle large quantity of cash.

For experts, licensing records are checked for complaints, disciplinary actions and investigations.

Health-related, mental and physiological files will also be checked because a potential employee may not be fit to work for health factors. A created consent in the applicant should be procured prior to going via the whole procedure.

Social safety number examine is also done simply because identification theft is quite rampant. A past life might be concealed or an applicant may not have fulfilled the citizenship necessity may be verified through the social security quantity.

Even though most the above data are public data and can be procured from different authorities companies in the Usa of The united states, it is nonetheless extremely inconvenient for employers to do track record check on its possible employees and even present workers. You will find numerous personal investigators who provide the service. Also, there are third celebration providers who also offer the same kind of service. There are also accessible online data financial institutions which can offer the necessary info about people. What they do is they purchase U.S. public records and offer them online to get a charge.

Various Methods to Get Car Insurance coverage Quotes

Individuals are by natural means apprehended by things which are unpredictable, more so, if such can wreak havoc to their physical bodies and investments. Such dangers to lives and properties have merited the interest of many scientists, who've put forth fantastic quantities of time and energy attempting to manipulate and predict dangers. That risks continue to become unscheduled to this day is considerably a testament that it continues to be an physical exercise in vain.

Maybe, not entirely, because their efforts have led other sectors and branches of discipline to, at the very minimum, alleviate the extreme losses endured by those who drop to a danger. The financial business, for instance, have developed systems of risk management. On a person degree, savings account can be opened for individuals to prepare for risks and other emergencies. On a corporate level, dangers can be shared among members of a group.

Hence, the concept of insurance is born into individuals?s consciousness. Now, The individual having to pay this cost?the insured?has discovered a method to be protected in the cost of damaging risks, by simply anticipating them and paying for your cost little by small. Of course, the insurance provider?or, insurer?also takes dangers within the transaction, in that the cost of the danger may be greater, particularly if it happens shortly after enforcing the insurance coverage coverage.

car insurance by advicecarinsurance

Of the insurance coverage kinds available today, instant car insurance, specifically the Third Party coverage, is maybe most common and often legally mandated by many governing bodies. The prevalence of car use as a mode of transportation is a strong case for obligating drivers to procure one. Aside from this, individuals on the wheels have to take under consideration other relationships in addition to with their very own car and passengers. There are other drivers and passengers around the street, pedestrians, and properties belonging to personal people and also the government.

Some drivers will include other types of online car insurance in addition to their current public insurance coverage policies. One that's often neglected and ignored is the Underinsured or Uninsured Motorists (UM/UIM) coverage. This really is rather important in the occasion of an incident wherein the celebration at fault isn't covered by any kind of insurance coverage, or is covered insufficiently. With UIM coverage, the insurer pays for the hospital expenses of the insured and liaisons using the driver?or his insurance coverage provider?faulted for the accident.

Smarter driver frequently go for complete protection to be hedged from losses incurred consequently of dangers, explained as ?functions of God?, like serious weather circumstances. Other damages as a result of fire, theft, or animal assaults will also be covered beneath such car insurance coverage. Complete coverage is a combination of Comprehensive and Collision coverage, each of which are deductibles, compensated outside of the premium. Driver who desires to pay a decrease top quality often choose to just pay these deductibles out-of-the-pocket.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Know The Significance Of your Free Credit score

Much more and more lenders, employers, landlords and insurance coverage companies are checking your FICO score as part of their procedure of approving your mortgage, landing a career, having your own home to live, or good prices offered for just about any type of insurance which you may have applied for. To achieve all of those things which you are dreaming of accomplishing developing a good instant credit report background will be the initial factor that you need to do if in case you acquired 1 with a bad history.

Credit scores start from a low 300 to the cream with the crop 850. A regular consumer includes a credit score range of 600 to 700 but some might have much more than this. A FICO score is the basis of most loan companies and credit score bureaus of computing your creditworthiness. A great credit score falls on an average of 720 and above. Where does one get the information on their respective credit score scores? By law this really is offered for totally free once a yr coming from the three main credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. Your scores and credit history shows your current and closed accounts as well as your payment background.

Lenders do generally have a look on your online credit report background as the foundation on whether they will grant your mortgage at a good interest rate or deny this completely. If correct now you're interested on applying for a mortgage that necessitates a substantial credit score score then it would be very best to apply for FICO score monitoring which usually gives you an update on your scores on the weekly foundation. Subscribing to this on-line support alerts you when you have attain your high score objective as long as you setup a threshold for it. Some would go so far as sending you an sms to inform you whenever your scores have alter for the much better or for the worst.

How to Get 720 Credit Score on Credit score scale at by bbrij873

To help you build a better credit score score and history here are some easy recommendations to follow:

Request a copy of your credit history as needed if not wait around for it as soon as a yr but do keep track of your history for any mistakes. In the event you see discrepancies then you are able to dispute them by heading through your reviews thoroughly.

Pay your expenses on time. Add some much more around the minimum quantity that you usually pay since this would trigger your credit score score to rise and would be noticeable for many lenders that you are a great borrower because you spend promptly and is sincere in settling your bills.Avoid maxing out on your credit restrict. This will certainly trigger your credit scores to drop that quick. Cancel credit score cards which you aren't utilizing or don't require and spend on time for your credit card expenses.

Hoodia Gordonii As a Weight loss Supplement

The way in which hoodia gordonii works is quite uncomplicated. After consumption, the lively molecule in Hoodia-P57-acts as a healthy blood sugar stabilizer, which in flip prevents the insulin spike that triggers hunger. The outcome is an extended feeling fullness, typically for as much as six hours right after consuming, plus the elimination of the urge to snack in in between meals. That's why they are said to become amongst the leading diet plan capsules that do the job.

What this signifies is that persons who eat considerably less on the every day foundation, often resulting in weight reduction. For instance, inside a 2006 examine conducted by Phytopharm pharmaceutical company-the foremost researcher of Hoodia diet plan supplements-obese subjects who consumed Hoodia ate one thousand calories much less per day, and 7000 energy much less per week, than subjects denied Hoodia.

Contemplating that it normally requires a deficit of 3000 calories to lose one pound of physique excess weight, this might quickly translate to a loss of two kilos per week, and a loss at least10 lbs each month. For this reason, the weight loss industry is now harvesting and production Hoodia Gordonni like a diet plan supplement. Hoodia diet capsules are easily out there on line and in health meals stores everywhere.

Hoodia gordonii flowering in habitat by Martin_Heigan

Diet tablets that operate are very challenging to come by, particularly online. So in case you are not comfortable with purchasing them online, then we recommend going to your community supplement retailer in city to see if they've any of what you're trying to find. Chain health meals shops like GNC, Wholefoods, etc. are really very good about carrying diet pills that work like hoodia.

House Hemorrhoid Reduction - Natural Remedies and Prevention Methods

Although it is embarrassing to possess hemorrhoids, in fact you will find lots of people who are afflicted by this sickness. There are lot of people who aren't really vocal about this sickness that is why they're not aware with the symptoms and indications of it.

But in the event you will do some researches about this, you will certainly uncover a lot. Normally when you have hemorrhoid relief you will pain, inflammation, inflammation and itching on your anal region. And as soon as you encounter these symptoms, it's important that you need to do some thing about this. It is essential which you have to do some hemorrhoid treatment while the signs and symptoms are nonetheless gentle.

And because people who are afflicted by hemorrhoid are not comfortable of talking about this, they just do some self medication in treating your hemorrhoid. Actually there are plenty of treatment which you can do n purchase to obtain rid of the pain, swelling and irritation.

hemorrhoids-home-treatment-happy-people by hemroid-relief

One of the best natural hemorrhoid treatments that you can do would be to make a modification together with your lifestyle. It's essential which you need to eat meals that are wealthy in fiber. If you are not utilized in consuming fruits and vegetable, well now it is essential which you have to include these meals together with your every day diet. If you generally consume little amount of h2o, then you have to increase fluid consumption simply because this can help you soften your stool and this will assist you to get rid of your hemorrhoid. With a small sacrifice in your part, you are able to be sure which you will eliminate your hemorrhoid. It will also help you prevent this sickness.

But there are many people who do not know any with the all-natural hemorrhoid relief, that is why they do not have any option but to consult the physician. It is really important to seek advice from the physician to be able to have the right therapy for your hemorrhoid. Usually the doctors will prescribe you some medicines which will assist you to eliminate your hemorrhoid. There are tons o f topical lotions that will be bought over the counter. These creams can assist you to in treat6ing your hemorrhoid however it can only final for a few hrs. But once your hemorrhoid will get serious and worse then surgery is what most physicians suggests you.

Self medication is really a great concept but as soon as your hemorrhoid get serious it's better to seek advice from the doctor to be able to have the right hemorrhoids treatment. This may assist you to prevent the costly cost of surgical treatment.

Greatest Home Remedies for Genital Warts Treatment

Warts are small, benign outgrowths or fleshy bumps jutting out from the skin surface. Warts are mainly brought on by HPV or human papillomavirus infection that impacts the epidermis and spreads through person to person get in touch with. Thus warts are contagious. Warts may occur on back of fingers, toes, knees, bottom of foot, legs, encounter, knees, about the nail and so on. Warts might occur in clusters or might be in the type of single, lengthy stalks. genital warts relief are probably the most troublesome and might flip cancerous in the event the HPV virus infects the mucosal tissue lining the genital area.

The irritating flesh-colored genital warts spread via sexual get in touch with. Both men and ladies can contract genital warts, and HPV-6 and HPV-11 are specifically responsible for it. It's common among age groups 17-33. In kids also it may develop, but within their case it spreads through direct, guide get in touch with. Unprotected intercourse, numerous sexual partners, and intake of contraceptive pills are responsible for the spreading of genital warts.

The genital warts may be less than one mm in dimension, and may extend in diameter up to 1 cm. frequently two or more warts might be part of to type a lump like structure. Warts are painless, itchy and frequently give out discharge. They rarely bleed and might also cause urinary obstruction in the event the warts develop around the urethral exit. In men, it occur in urethral region, rectal area, scrotum and penis or penile shaft. In women, genital warts occur in labia minora, cervix, vaginal canal and vaginal opening.

Genital warts can be quite irritating and embarrassing. Market provides hoards of anti-wart medications for genital warts. But while selecting genital wart eradicating drug, one ought to be cautious, for they are to deal with a very delicate area with the physique. It's thus much better to go for goods with herbal formulations than for poisonous, artificial medication. Natural goods are safe, safe, inexpensive and totally free from adverse side-effects.

genital_warts - 30 by PLGSTD05

Wartrol is one such natural wart reduction. But one ought to bear in mind that no long term cure for genital warts has however been found. Watrol can provide you with momentary relief from itching, irritation and burning sensation brought on because of warts. Additionally, it lowers the quantity of future occurrences or outbreaks. Wartrol is the best non-prescription instant reduction from warts. For quick relief, 1 can directly spray Watrol around the website of out-break or take it orally by spraying it beneath the tongue thrice a day. Like this the components could be readily absorbed via the small corpuscles and attain the interiors with the body. 1 ought to not touch the dropper or leading of bottle with fingers, and ought to be cautious regarding avoiding contamination. Prior to spraying in to mouth, one ought to thoroughly clean mouth thoroughly. The item is definitely an amazing immediate answer for warts.

The components in the item include Black Sulphide of Antimony, wild yellow indigo baptisia, Potassium Hydrate Causticum, nitric acid, arbor vitae, alcohol and distilled water. These components reduce wart size, caustic feeling, rawness, bleeding and additional eruptions, and produces magical results inside brief time span. When, you are trying to deal with infection issue with natural remedies, you're at secure aspect. All-natural treatments or natural remedies don't have any side effects and operates successfully. Within this product all of the components are all-natural and natural, so you are able to effortlessly believe in on this and use to treat your warts problem from the root.

You will notice enhancement in extremely brief time following utilizing this item on regular foundation. All-natural treatments may consider some time to show the outcomes, however the results are permanent and lengthy lasting. Therefore, using this item to remedy genital warts is safe and effective.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


If you think about advertising your enterprise on golf courses, you can find unique things to become considered prior to getting signs. The primary purpose is high quality in the signs. Be sure that the signs that show your brand are created utilizing supplies that will withstand the toughest of environments and do not need much maintenance.

Go for any wide choice of materials - aluminum, bronze, granite, redwood, sandstone Kingstone or Rinowood to seek out the sign that suits to your enterprise requirement. You will find some reputable firms that offer wonderful turnaround time that would make sure your satisfaction from their service. A reputable firm that delivers excellent service is Bench Craft Company. You may make contact with such an marketing firm directly and get a quote. You need your signs to look appealing and stylish.

Golf cart is one more powerful way of reaching golfers. You might have your ads in direct sight with the golfers once they ride the cart. An regular round of golf lasts for 5 hrs, which indicates a lot of time to get adequate impression. Billboards are the principal marketing merchandise on golf courses. It has double sides, which helps in displaying ads on each sides. It could be installed amid the support poles on the front or rear side from the cart. The perfect size for billboards is 4x36 inches and, it might differ based on the course. And, you'll be able to stay assured that it can deliver you 300 to 400 impressions inside a round.

A pin seeker banner is yet another efficient way of branding around the golf course. As well as the essential details about the course, it is possible to also show your brand or logo on pin seeker banners. This can be installed amid the support poles around the front and rear side of the golf cart. They also have an ideal size of 4x36 inches, which can preserve varying in line with the course. Related to the billboards, they're able to also assist your messages obtain as numerous as 300 impressions inside a round.

The GPS on the golf cart can also be used like a good marketing medium. The essential distance details is usually checked by golfers, and also you can get your advertisements displayed beside the display. The GPS units are mainly set up on the dashboard or around the windshield. And, the benefit of advertising on digital technologies is that you are able to update your ads whenever you wish.
Advertising firms like Bench Craft Company offer thorough sponsorship and marketing alternatives that enable your brand to attain matchless exposure towards the high-end golf players and audience. Working with the extensive marketing choices, you will get your brand messages displayed on golf courses for prolonged intervals of time.

The advantage of advertising on golf courses is that it offers you additional than 90% attain to golfers and audience, and there is no other medium that offers a lot accomplishment rate. Given that your brand gets an extended period of exposure, golfers will be able to view your ads from 1 to six hours around the basis in the placement. And, this signifies that you acquire optimistic recognition for the brand as golfers will link it with enjoyment. And, after you are operating with specialist advertising firms, you are able to remain assured that there is certainly no cluttering as every single placement will carry separate brands.
A different effective advertising medium will be the golfer’s bag. Golfers drive around the course with their bags or they just leave it at the bag drop, but it can generally acquire a minimum of 30 impressions within a round.

A different advertising medium to attain a wide spectrum of golfers is by means of driving ranges. The average session can final from 30 to 45 minutes, and also you can get exclusive impressions for your brands and solutions.

Driving range displays enable you to reach golfers of distinct ranges. You get leading logo positioning in specific hitting bay. Marketing firms styles driving ranges, customized to suit the present assortment configuration of each and every course. This contains pop-out banners, A-frames and materials for mesh banner.

Qualified advertising firms assure thorough flexibility so as to create certain that your online business gets connected with your audience in a manner it tends to make sense.

Most of the trustworthy golf course marketing firms let you pick inventory in the golf course or for golf occasions. And, given that the campaigns may be customized, they may often fit into to your spending budget. The length of the advertising campaign can assortment over golf seasons or more than months.

And, all the capabilities in the campaign are facilitated by the advertising firm. This involves style, placement, reporting and maintenance. And, the approval from the golf course, for the creative material, can also be the responsibility of your advertising firm. Should you be enthusiastic about exploring golf course marketing to promote your enterprise, then you definitely really should certainly check out

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Making Money Fast

Legendary entertainment entrepreneur, and a very wealthy American in his day, PT Barnum wrote an excellent primer on how to get your personal finances in order (and eventually get rich).

It's called The Art of Money Getting Or, Golden Rules for Making Money and the Kindle edition is actually 100% free to read and download, as it has long since slipped out of copyright.

I downloaded it and devoured it shortly after I converted to the cult of Kindle, vowing to never again purchase a book made from slaughtered trees (a promise I have kept thus far).

Obviously, life for an entrepreneur in the 1840s and 1850s was radically different from the environment that small business owners and tech billionaire wannabes face in 2011.

But just as we are intrigued by Barnum's world (no income tax, for one thing, and very few worker protections), he would be impressed and intrigued by ours: he talks at length about the importance of repetitive, targeted text advertising -- in newspapers.

He would be blown away by the capabilities of modern online advertising. 

There is still opportunity out there, although your "circus" might very well reach fans on YouTube, instead of under the tent.

Barnum's free read is definitely worth checking out if you own an Amazon Kindle. And if not, the paperback edition is only a few bucks. Here are a few of the points that stuck with me:

- Ditch alcohol and tobacco, which Barnum refers to as "the weed." He was way ahead of his time in calling out the negative health effects of smoking, and he doesn't like the psychological weakness that is produced when a man becomes dependent on tobacco. Same with alcohol -- you can't be focused on the end goal (e.g. accumulating a large sum of cash) if you are constantly drunk, or recovering from the night before. If you want to get rich the PT Barnum way, going straight-edge appears to be a prerequisite. 

- Always spend less than you earn. No exceptions. Barnum does a surprisingly contemporary-sounding/self-help job of convincing readers that paying for the "trappings" of wealth are not nearly as worthwhile as actually holding onto that wealth!

- Find your niche. OK, he doesn't use the Web 2.0 buzz word "niche," but he means exactly the same. He also warns about those who do become rich, and then get enchanted by a business idea totally unrelated to the area of expertise that made them wealthy in the first place -- an almost certain recipe for disaster.

- Avoid excessive debt. Credit cards didn't exist in Barnum's day, but department stores "lent credit" to just about anyone with a heartbeat and the ability to earn an income.

In closing, Barnum's book is a great, fast read, and I highly recommend it to fellow wealth seekers!

-- provided by Outlaw

(photo credit: Steve Clemons, The Washington Note)

(This article is appearing simultaneously at

News is breaking that the prosecutor's case in the rape allegations against former IMF Director and French political kingpin Dominique Strauss-Kahn is collapsing.

According to reports, the accuser who worked at New York's Hotel Sofitel has allegedly been engaged in money laundering activities and has had substantial contact with an incarcerated drug dealer.  Strauss-Kahn's bails and terms of detention are reportedly going to be lightened today -- and others are suggesting that felony charges may be dropped against him.

Maybe he did harass this woman -- but it is also possible that he did not.  That's what the system of justice is for -- to presume innocence until guilt is determined.  That no longer sounds likely in this case.

But this week, former French Finance Minister Christine Legarde was named Strauss-Kahn's successor at the International Monetary Fund, and back at home, French Socialist Party Leader Martine Aubry declared her candidacy for President.

Strauss-Kahn, who may be innocent, who even Sarkozy said should be presumed innocent unless evidence led to a different conclusion, now cannot return either to the IMF or to his position as the next likely President of France.

One of the fears that I often hear from people when talking about the growing power of social network sites, blogs, as well as micro-journalism and micro-comment platforms is the one of scandalmongering, or a tsunami of mistruths and reputational attacks that take down some high profile person.

A good read on this sort of thing is the late William Safire's historical novel, Scandalmonger, which shares what slander blogging might have been like in late 18th century America in the person of James Callender who doggedly pursued, occasionally inventing, sleazy stories about both Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson.

I have generally argued, and may be wrong, that the internet is a much more honest and disciplining arena than print, that errors, mistakes, or misreporting would be instantaneously sniffed out and corrected by a global audience.  I know I have gotten things wrong before and had emails or posted comments that helped me put my information on a better, more accurate track.  But that isn't always the case, particularly in growing clusters of same-thinking people who care less about sorting out the facts than they do about the frame (or bias) they bring to some respective issue.

But in today's fast-paced world, a reputation can be destroyed rapidly -- and if, as in the case of Strauss-Kahn it seems, the consequences of charges made actually precede the processing of those charges, then we as a society are no longer extending the benefits of presumed innocence that are core to our form of democracy and our legal system.

I realize given the proliferation of commentary about Strauss-Kahn's alleged womanizing and the bandwaggoning criticism of him that built after his arrest that he is perhaps a flawed and tragic figure. 

But the problem of reputation wrecked still stands whether the target is warm and likeable or a brilliant storm, as I see Strauss-Kahn, and that lesson is a bad one for people on the internet, who are becoming commentators and writers, to learn.  They see the successful effects of attack, whether based in truth and credibility or not, and sense that the downsides of backlash and consequence to an accuser's or scandalmongerer's credibility are not serious.

When Georgia State USDA rural development director Shirley Sherrod was fired by Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack for making 'alleged' racially-tinged remarks, we also saw consequences meted out before the entire story of that video, brought to light by Andrew Breitbart, was properly considered.

There is no clear fix to these problems.  We don't have a system that would let Strauss-Kahn have his job back, and Aubry is not likely to step aside in her presidential quest and let DSK go back and take the top spot challenging Sarkozy. 

Again, I am not saying that I know if he did or didn't engage in lewd conduct against a hotel chambermaid -- but his legally-based presumed innocence has been inconsequential to the penalties that he's already received, and that's something that should worry us.

-- Steve Clemons is Washington Editor at Large at The Atlantic and can be followed on Twitter at @SCClemons

<b>News</b> Corp Launches $5B Stock Buyback –

This could provide some pop for News Corp shares, which have declined more than 12% over the last five days as the News Of The World phone-hacking scandal mushroomed. The company says this morning that its board of ...

<b>News</b> Corp Launches $5B Stock Buyback –

Will <b>News</b> Corp. leave the <b>news</b> business? « BuzzMachine

So I wonder whether News Corp. will have to get out of the news business to save the business of News Corp. For it's not so bad to be rapacious when you're in the entertainment business. ...

Will <b>News</b> Corp. leave the <b>news</b> business? « BuzzMachine

Jon Stewart Tackles the <b>News</b> of the World Scandal

But before Stewart could expound on his point, correspondent John Oliver presented him with a recap of Rupert Murdoch's News of the World scandal--a friendly reminder that the British will always find a way to out-shame ...

Jon Stewart Tackles the <b>News</b> of the World Scandal

statefarm bobby ferguson

<b>News</b> Corp Launches $5B Stock Buyback –

This could provide some pop for News Corp shares, which have declined more than 12% over the last five days as the News Of The World phone-hacking scandal mushroomed. The company says this morning that its board of ...

<b>News</b> Corp Launches $5B Stock Buyback –

Will <b>News</b> Corp. leave the <b>news</b> business? « BuzzMachine

So I wonder whether News Corp. will have to get out of the news business to save the business of News Corp. For it's not so bad to be rapacious when you're in the entertainment business. ...

Will <b>News</b> Corp. leave the <b>news</b> business? « BuzzMachine

Jon Stewart Tackles the <b>News</b> of the World Scandal

But before Stewart could expound on his point, correspondent John Oliver presented him with a recap of Rupert Murdoch's News of the World scandal--a friendly reminder that the British will always find a way to out-shame ...

Jon Stewart Tackles the <b>News</b> of the World Scandal

Legendary entertainment entrepreneur, and a very wealthy American in his day, PT Barnum wrote an excellent primer on how to get your personal finances in order (and eventually get rich).

It's called The Art of Money Getting Or, Golden Rules for Making Money and the Kindle edition is actually 100% free to read and download, as it has long since slipped out of copyright.

I downloaded it and devoured it shortly after I converted to the cult of Kindle, vowing to never again purchase a book made from slaughtered trees (a promise I have kept thus far).

Obviously, life for an entrepreneur in the 1840s and 1850s was radically different from the environment that small business owners and tech billionaire wannabes face in 2011.

But just as we are intrigued by Barnum's world (no income tax, for one thing, and very few worker protections), he would be impressed and intrigued by ours: he talks at length about the importance of repetitive, targeted text advertising -- in newspapers.

He would be blown away by the capabilities of modern online advertising. 

There is still opportunity out there, although your "circus" might very well reach fans on YouTube, instead of under the tent.

Barnum's free read is definitely worth checking out if you own an Amazon Kindle. And if not, the paperback edition is only a few bucks. Here are a few of the points that stuck with me:

- Ditch alcohol and tobacco, which Barnum refers to as "the weed." He was way ahead of his time in calling out the negative health effects of smoking, and he doesn't like the psychological weakness that is produced when a man becomes dependent on tobacco. Same with alcohol -- you can't be focused on the end goal (e.g. accumulating a large sum of cash) if you are constantly drunk, or recovering from the night before. If you want to get rich the PT Barnum way, going straight-edge appears to be a prerequisite. 

- Always spend less than you earn. No exceptions. Barnum does a surprisingly contemporary-sounding/self-help job of convincing readers that paying for the "trappings" of wealth are not nearly as worthwhile as actually holding onto that wealth!

- Find your niche. OK, he doesn't use the Web 2.0 buzz word "niche," but he means exactly the same. He also warns about those who do become rich, and then get enchanted by a business idea totally unrelated to the area of expertise that made them wealthy in the first place -- an almost certain recipe for disaster.

- Avoid excessive debt. Credit cards didn't exist in Barnum's day, but department stores "lent credit" to just about anyone with a heartbeat and the ability to earn an income.

In closing, Barnum's book is a great, fast read, and I highly recommend it to fellow wealth seekers!

-- provided by Outlaw

(photo credit: Steve Clemons, The Washington Note)

(This article is appearing simultaneously at

News is breaking that the prosecutor's case in the rape allegations against former IMF Director and French political kingpin Dominique Strauss-Kahn is collapsing.

According to reports, the accuser who worked at New York's Hotel Sofitel has allegedly been engaged in money laundering activities and has had substantial contact with an incarcerated drug dealer.  Strauss-Kahn's bails and terms of detention are reportedly going to be lightened today -- and others are suggesting that felony charges may be dropped against him.

Maybe he did harass this woman -- but it is also possible that he did not.  That's what the system of justice is for -- to presume innocence until guilt is determined.  That no longer sounds likely in this case.

But this week, former French Finance Minister Christine Legarde was named Strauss-Kahn's successor at the International Monetary Fund, and back at home, French Socialist Party Leader Martine Aubry declared her candidacy for President.

Strauss-Kahn, who may be innocent, who even Sarkozy said should be presumed innocent unless evidence led to a different conclusion, now cannot return either to the IMF or to his position as the next likely President of France.

One of the fears that I often hear from people when talking about the growing power of social network sites, blogs, as well as micro-journalism and micro-comment platforms is the one of scandalmongering, or a tsunami of mistruths and reputational attacks that take down some high profile person.

A good read on this sort of thing is the late William Safire's historical novel, Scandalmonger, which shares what slander blogging might have been like in late 18th century America in the person of James Callender who doggedly pursued, occasionally inventing, sleazy stories about both Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson.

I have generally argued, and may be wrong, that the internet is a much more honest and disciplining arena than print, that errors, mistakes, or misreporting would be instantaneously sniffed out and corrected by a global audience.  I know I have gotten things wrong before and had emails or posted comments that helped me put my information on a better, more accurate track.  But that isn't always the case, particularly in growing clusters of same-thinking people who care less about sorting out the facts than they do about the frame (or bias) they bring to some respective issue.

But in today's fast-paced world, a reputation can be destroyed rapidly -- and if, as in the case of Strauss-Kahn it seems, the consequences of charges made actually precede the processing of those charges, then we as a society are no longer extending the benefits of presumed innocence that are core to our form of democracy and our legal system.

I realize given the proliferation of commentary about Strauss-Kahn's alleged womanizing and the bandwaggoning criticism of him that built after his arrest that he is perhaps a flawed and tragic figure. 

But the problem of reputation wrecked still stands whether the target is warm and likeable or a brilliant storm, as I see Strauss-Kahn, and that lesson is a bad one for people on the internet, who are becoming commentators and writers, to learn.  They see the successful effects of attack, whether based in truth and credibility or not, and sense that the downsides of backlash and consequence to an accuser's or scandalmongerer's credibility are not serious.

When Georgia State USDA rural development director Shirley Sherrod was fired by Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack for making 'alleged' racially-tinged remarks, we also saw consequences meted out before the entire story of that video, brought to light by Andrew Breitbart, was properly considered.

There is no clear fix to these problems.  We don't have a system that would let Strauss-Kahn have his job back, and Aubry is not likely to step aside in her presidential quest and let DSK go back and take the top spot challenging Sarkozy. 

Again, I am not saying that I know if he did or didn't engage in lewd conduct against a hotel chambermaid -- but his legally-based presumed innocence has been inconsequential to the penalties that he's already received, and that's something that should worry us.

-- Steve Clemons is Washington Editor at Large at The Atlantic and can be followed on Twitter at @SCClemons

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