Thursday, January 6, 2011

Being Right or Making Money

What made this project so successful? After all, there are other iPod Nano projects. And it's a wristwatch, which even with the addition of a Nano, might not be the coolest or most necessary of accessories.

Bryce Roberts, the Managing Director of O'Reilly AlphaTech Ventures, points to some reasons he's identified that contributed to the success of the Lunatik/TikTok fundraising endeavor. These lessons that can be seen in other successful Kickstarter projects (such as Diaspora), but they're also applicable in many ways to more "traditional" funding efforts.

Tell a personal story

The Lunatik/TikTok "pitch" wasn't a bulleted list of qualifications or clients. Rather, the members of the team "told personal stories that created a connection to the project that had nothing to do with their professional pedigree." While this sort of storytelling doesn't boost their professional credentials, Roberts argues, it does give the entrepreneurs a certain personal authority and helps to connect them to funders and potential funders in a different way.

Roberts argues that the best fundraising pitches always emphasize this personal aspect. "It's a given," he writes, "that if I chose to invest in you I believe I can make money, but there are the intangibles around personality, perspectives, and life experiences that will make a potential funder more likely to want to believe you."

Tell the product's story

If you watch the TikTok video (below), you'll see the product is featured throughout. This demonstrates what the product can do - and that it can do what the startup promises. The video also demonstrates the larger potential of the product. These might be "small, nice little features" that some investors would dismiss. But with the crowdfunding model, the right storytelling around this seems crucial. "The difference between a nano strapped to a wristband and a premium quality, highly designed, customizable piece of wearable technology is simply a matter of how you tell the story."

But even when you aren't using a site like Kickstarter to raise money, it's crucial that your product be front-and-center in your presentations.

Give rewards and issue progress reports

Investors, by definition, invest in order to make a financial return. Nonetheless, argues Roberts, you should offer more than simply the promise of "making money." These sorts of non-financial rewards can be personal and personalized. By design, Kickstarter tells its users, "the best way to inspire support is to offer people great rewards. Everyone loves limited editions, one-of-a-kinds, and fun experiences (parties, screenings, balloon rides!). Spend some time brainstorming your rewards and people will respond. No one needs another coffee mug."

And as your project and your company are constantly evolving, it's good to keep investors and potential investors up-to-date on your progress. In the case of TikTok, the creators even filmed themselves in China when they traveled to the factory where the watch kits were being made. But the same could be said for all funding relationships; keep your investors apprised of "how you're making progress and how your story is continuing to unfold in a big and important way."

As we get ready for John Boehner to take the gavel from Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday, I find myself thinking back to the last time a Republican speaker took control of the House from a Democrat -- and reflecting on how far down the wrong road we have traveled since then.

It was January 1995, and Newt Gingrich, now considered a right-wing bomb thrower, was taking the gavel from Tom Foley. After taking the oath of office, he delivered a speech that praised FDR as "the greatest president of the 20th century" and presented concern for the least among us as a shared national objective. "The balanced budget is the right thing to do," he said. "But it does not in my mind have the moral urgency of coming to grips with what is happening to the poorest Americans."

For the incoming Republican speaker, reducing poverty and lifting the poor into the middle class was a moral imperative beyond the left vs. right battlefield -- not just the purview of lefties, socialists, and community organizers:

I say to those Republicans who believe in total privatization, you cannot believe in the Good Samaritan and explain that as long as business is making money we can walk by a fellow American who is hurt and not do something.... If you cannot afford to leave the public housing project, you are not free. If you do not know how to find a job and do not know how to create a job, you are not free. If you cannot find a place that will educate you, you are not free. If you are afraid to walk to the store because you could get killed, you are not free.

So now, with poverty higher than it was 16 years ago, with greater income inequality, and with the middle class struggling to hold on, what will Speaker Boehner make his number one priority? According to the Washington Post, it's "cutting spending," followed by repealing the healthcare law, and "helping get our economy moving" (no specifics on how he plans to do that).

Yet we saw on 60 Minutes that he's very aware of how fragile the American Dream has become, telling Lesley Stahl, "I can't go to a school anymore. I used to go to a lot of schools. And you see all these little kids running around. Can't talk about it." And he choked up when he did try to talk about "making sure these kids have a shot at the American Dream, like I did. It's important."

Interestingly, in his first speech as speaker, Gingrich also talked about being moved by the woes of school kids.

"I have seldom been more shaken," he said, "than I was after the election when I had breakfast with two members of the Black Caucus. One of them said to me, 'Can you imagine what it is like to visit a first-grade class and realize that every fourth or fifth young boy in that class may be dead or in jail within 15 years? And they are your constituents and you are helpless to change it?' For some reason, I do not know why, maybe because I visit a lot of schools, that got through. I mean, that personalized it. That made it real, not just statistics, but real people."

But the trajectory of our political discourse over the last decade and a half has meant that taking on poverty has gone from a moral imperative and shared national objective to an afterthought -- or no thought at all.

The question is, is there anything that can be done to help Boehner make the connection between the policies he supports and the effect those policies have on the kids who bring him to tears?

Newt Gingrich failed to follow through on the moral imperative he identified in his first speech as speaker, trading in his moral vision and replacing it 15 months later with an announcement that the Republican agenda could be reduced to six words: "Earn more, keep more, do more."

Will Boehner's take be "Earn more, keep more, cut more"? Or is there a chance he will surprise us? Maybe it's because it's close enough to Christmas that I still believe in miracles, but wouldn't it be great if the John Boehner who takes the gavel on Wednesday is the one who weeps at the thought of kids denied a shot at the American Dream?

surface encounters noblesville surface encounters

&#39;Friday Night Lights&#39;: The Bad <b>News</b> Lions - From Inside the Box <b>...</b>

Most of you likely won't be watching “Friday Night Lights” until the NBC run later in 2011, but for the dedicated few tuning into DirecTV, please join our swoony recapage of the series' final season.

Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>

More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...

<b>News</b> - Khloe Kardashian Becomes a Redhead! - Style &amp; Beauty <b>...</b>

"I'm so tired of [my sisters] copying everything I do with my hair, so I wanted to go red," she says.

surface encounters michigan surface encounters noblesville

&#39;Friday Night Lights&#39;: The Bad <b>News</b> Lions - From Inside the Box <b>...</b>

Most of you likely won't be watching “Friday Night Lights” until the NBC run later in 2011, but for the dedicated few tuning into DirecTV, please join our swoony recapage of the series' final season.

Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>

More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...

<b>News</b> - Khloe Kardashian Becomes a Redhead! - Style &amp; Beauty <b>...</b>

"I'm so tired of [my sisters] copying everything I do with my hair, so I wanted to go red," she says.

surface encounters rock tops surface encounters macomb

&#39;Friday Night Lights&#39;: The Bad <b>News</b> Lions - From Inside the Box <b>...</b>

Most of you likely won't be watching “Friday Night Lights” until the NBC run later in 2011, but for the dedicated few tuning into DirecTV, please join our swoony recapage of the series' final season.

Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>

More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...

<b>News</b> - Khloe Kardashian Becomes a Redhead! - Style &amp; Beauty <b>...</b>

"I'm so tired of [my sisters] copying everything I do with my hair, so I wanted to go red," she says.

surface encounters noblesville surface encounters

&#39;Friday Night Lights&#39;: The Bad <b>News</b> Lions - From Inside the Box <b>...</b>

Most of you likely won't be watching “Friday Night Lights” until the NBC run later in 2011, but for the dedicated few tuning into DirecTV, please join our swoony recapage of the series' final season.

Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>

More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...

<b>News</b> - Khloe Kardashian Becomes a Redhead! - Style &amp; Beauty <b>...</b>

"I'm so tired of [my sisters] copying everything I do with my hair, so I wanted to go red," she says.

surface encounters macomb mi
surface encounters macomb

&#39;Friday Night Lights&#39;: The Bad <b>News</b> Lions - From Inside the Box <b>...</b>

Most of you likely won't be watching “Friday Night Lights” until the NBC run later in 2011, but for the dedicated few tuning into DirecTV, please join our swoony recapage of the series' final season.

Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>

More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...

<b>News</b> - Khloe Kardashian Becomes a Redhead! - Style &amp; Beauty <b>...</b>

"I'm so tired of [my sisters] copying everything I do with my hair, so I wanted to go red," she says.

surface encounters michigan
surface encounters macomb

&#39;Friday Night Lights&#39;: The Bad <b>News</b> Lions - From Inside the Box <b>...</b>

Most of you likely won't be watching “Friday Night Lights” until the NBC run later in 2011, but for the dedicated few tuning into DirecTV, please join our swoony recapage of the series' final season.

Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>

More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...

<b>News</b> - Khloe Kardashian Becomes a Redhead! - Style &amp; Beauty <b>...</b>

"I'm so tired of [my sisters] copying everything I do with my hair, so I wanted to go red," she says.

surface encounters michigan
surface encounters rock tops

&#39;Friday Night Lights&#39;: The Bad <b>News</b> Lions - From Inside the Box <b>...</b>

Most of you likely won't be watching “Friday Night Lights” until the NBC run later in 2011, but for the dedicated few tuning into DirecTV, please join our swoony recapage of the series' final season.

Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>

More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...

<b>News</b> - Khloe Kardashian Becomes a Redhead! - Style &amp; Beauty <b>...</b>

"I'm so tired of [my sisters] copying everything I do with my hair, so I wanted to go red," she says.

surface encounters
surface encounters macomb

&#39;Friday Night Lights&#39;: The Bad <b>News</b> Lions - From Inside the Box <b>...</b>

Most of you likely won't be watching “Friday Night Lights” until the NBC run later in 2011, but for the dedicated few tuning into DirecTV, please join our swoony recapage of the series' final season.

Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>

More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...

<b>News</b> - Khloe Kardashian Becomes a Redhead! - Style &amp; Beauty <b>...</b>

"I'm so tired of [my sisters] copying everything I do with my hair, so I wanted to go red," she says.

surface encounters rock tops
surface encounters macomb

&#39;Friday Night Lights&#39;: The Bad <b>News</b> Lions - From Inside the Box <b>...</b>

Most of you likely won't be watching “Friday Night Lights” until the NBC run later in 2011, but for the dedicated few tuning into DirecTV, please join our swoony recapage of the series' final season.

Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>

More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...

<b>News</b> - Khloe Kardashian Becomes a Redhead! - Style &amp; Beauty <b>...</b>

"I'm so tired of [my sisters] copying everything I do with my hair, so I wanted to go red," she says.

surface encounters michigan
surface encounters macomb mi
surface encounters noblesville

&#39;Friday Night Lights&#39;: The Bad <b>News</b> Lions - From Inside the Box <b>...</b>

Most of you likely won't be watching “Friday Night Lights” until the NBC run later in 2011, but for the dedicated few tuning into DirecTV, please join our swoony recapage of the series' final season.

Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>

More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...

<b>News</b> - Khloe Kardashian Becomes a Redhead! - Style &amp; Beauty <b>...</b>

"I'm so tired of [my sisters] copying everything I do with my hair, so I wanted to go red," she says.

surface encounters rock tops
surface encounters noblesville

&#39;Friday Night Lights&#39;: The Bad <b>News</b> Lions - From Inside the Box <b>...</b>

Most of you likely won't be watching “Friday Night Lights” until the NBC run later in 2011, but for the dedicated few tuning into DirecTV, please join our swoony recapage of the series' final season.

Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>

More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...

<b>News</b> - Khloe Kardashian Becomes a Redhead! - Style &amp; Beauty <b>...</b>

"I'm so tired of [my sisters] copying everything I do with my hair, so I wanted to go red," she says.

surface encounters macomb mi
surface encounters noblesville

&#39;Friday Night Lights&#39;: The Bad <b>News</b> Lions - From Inside the Box <b>...</b>

Most of you likely won't be watching “Friday Night Lights” until the NBC run later in 2011, but for the dedicated few tuning into DirecTV, please join our swoony recapage of the series' final season.

Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>

More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...

<b>News</b> - Khloe Kardashian Becomes a Redhead! - Style &amp; Beauty <b>...</b>

"I'm so tired of [my sisters] copying everything I do with my hair, so I wanted to go red," she says.

surface encounters michigan
surface encounters

&#39;Friday Night Lights&#39;: The Bad <b>News</b> Lions - From Inside the Box <b>...</b>

Most of you likely won't be watching “Friday Night Lights” until the NBC run later in 2011, but for the dedicated few tuning into DirecTV, please join our swoony recapage of the series' final season.

Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>

More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...

<b>News</b> - Khloe Kardashian Becomes a Redhead! - Style &amp; Beauty <b>...</b>

"I'm so tired of [my sisters] copying everything I do with my hair, so I wanted to go red," she says.

surface encounters macomb mi
surface encounters macomb mi

&#39;Friday Night Lights&#39;: The Bad <b>News</b> Lions - From Inside the Box <b>...</b>

Most of you likely won't be watching “Friday Night Lights” until the NBC run later in 2011, but for the dedicated few tuning into DirecTV, please join our swoony recapage of the series' final season.

Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>

More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...

<b>News</b> - Khloe Kardashian Becomes a Redhead! - Style &amp; Beauty <b>...</b>

"I'm so tired of [my sisters] copying everything I do with my hair, so I wanted to go red," she says.

surface encounters

&#39;Friday Night Lights&#39;: The Bad <b>News</b> Lions - From Inside the Box <b>...</b>

Most of you likely won't be watching “Friday Night Lights” until the NBC run later in 2011, but for the dedicated few tuning into DirecTV, please join our swoony recapage of the series' final season.

Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>

More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...

<b>News</b> - Khloe Kardashian Becomes a Redhead! - Style &amp; Beauty <b>...</b>

"I'm so tired of [my sisters] copying everything I do with my hair, so I wanted to go red," she says.

surface encounters michigan
surface encounters macomb mi

&#39;Friday Night Lights&#39;: The Bad <b>News</b> Lions - From Inside the Box <b>...</b>

Most of you likely won't be watching “Friday Night Lights” until the NBC run later in 2011, but for the dedicated few tuning into DirecTV, please join our swoony recapage of the series' final season.

Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>

More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...

<b>News</b> - Khloe Kardashian Becomes a Redhead! - Style &amp; Beauty <b>...</b>

"I'm so tired of [my sisters] copying everything I do with my hair, so I wanted to go red," she says.

surface encounters noblesville
surface encounters

&#39;Friday Night Lights&#39;: The Bad <b>News</b> Lions - From Inside the Box <b>...</b>

Most of you likely won't be watching “Friday Night Lights” until the NBC run later in 2011, but for the dedicated few tuning into DirecTV, please join our swoony recapage of the series' final season.

Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>

More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...

<b>News</b> - Khloe Kardashian Becomes a Redhead! - Style &amp; Beauty <b>...</b>

"I'm so tired of [my sisters] copying everything I do with my hair, so I wanted to go red," she says.

surface encounters macomb
surface encounters

&#39;Friday Night Lights&#39;: The Bad <b>News</b> Lions - From Inside the Box <b>...</b>

Most of you likely won't be watching “Friday Night Lights” until the NBC run later in 2011, but for the dedicated few tuning into DirecTV, please join our swoony recapage of the series' final season.

Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>

More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...

<b>News</b> - Khloe Kardashian Becomes a Redhead! - Style &amp; Beauty <b>...</b>

"I'm so tired of [my sisters] copying everything I do with my hair, so I wanted to go red," she says.

surface encounters macomb
surface encounters noblesville

&#39;Friday Night Lights&#39;: The Bad <b>News</b> Lions - From Inside the Box <b>...</b>

Most of you likely won't be watching “Friday Night Lights” until the NBC run later in 2011, but for the dedicated few tuning into DirecTV, please join our swoony recapage of the series' final season.

Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>

More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...

<b>News</b> - Khloe Kardashian Becomes a Redhead! - Style &amp; Beauty <b>...</b>

"I'm so tired of [my sisters] copying everything I do with my hair, so I wanted to go red," she says.

surface encounters rock tops
surface encounters rock tops

&#39;Friday Night Lights&#39;: The Bad <b>News</b> Lions - From Inside the Box <b>...</b>

Most of you likely won't be watching “Friday Night Lights” until the NBC run later in 2011, but for the dedicated few tuning into DirecTV, please join our swoony recapage of the series' final season.

Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>

More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...

<b>News</b> - Khloe Kardashian Becomes a Redhead! - Style &amp; Beauty <b>...</b>

"I'm so tired of [my sisters] copying everything I do with my hair, so I wanted to go red," she says.

surface encounters macomb
surface encounters noblesville

&#39;Friday Night Lights&#39;: The Bad <b>News</b> Lions - From Inside the Box <b>...</b>

Most of you likely won't be watching “Friday Night Lights” until the NBC run later in 2011, but for the dedicated few tuning into DirecTV, please join our swoony recapage of the series' final season.

Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>

More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...

<b>News</b> - Khloe Kardashian Becomes a Redhead! - Style &amp; Beauty <b>...</b>

"I'm so tired of [my sisters] copying everything I do with my hair, so I wanted to go red," she says.

surface encounters rock tops

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